Together, we are humbled and blessed to have so many splendid opportunities to share the love of Jesus with people around the world. By God’s grace, and with your help, we were able to send generous offerings into the international mission field in February.
With your donations, Message Ministries & Missions provided prefabricated homes for needy families, supported ten feeding centers, trained local church leaders, and ministered to teens and children in Peru. We sent a
generous check to the Mercy Children’s Home and Orphanage in Amritsar, India. We were also able to bless Jim Randall with some much needed support for his mission work in the “10/40” window in nations such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and even China.
Together, we are ambassadors for Jesus Christ. I want to personally thank you for your gifts. They allow us to keep doing what we do. I tell the people that we work with on the mission field that “the gifts come from God through the loving gifts of God’s people.” We are so grateful for your partnership, and we do not take it for granted.
We are a small ministry. We operate by faith. We distribute your gifts as we receive them. We maintain no ministry savings account, no building fund, and no wish list except to do more to help those in need. I sometimes joke with people who visit our ministry office by saying, “Welcome to the International Ministry Headquarters.” The visitors always laugh because, in reality, our headquarters is a 10’ x 20’ prefabricated wooden structure adjacent to a residence. It is modest, simple, and all that we need. A visitor once asked me if I wanted to move into a “real” office. I chuckled and said, “No, it would take a bigger portion of our funds, and we would have less to give away to others.”
As a ministry, we are not looking for worldly status in men’s eyes but for a “well done” from our God. Overall, 85% of the donations given to churches and Christian organizations in the United States go to pay for buildings, salaries, and associated operating costs. When I read figures like these, my heart sinks with disappointment; but as the leader of Message Ministries & Missions, I’m moved to accomplish more than ever with the resources that God provides through our supporters.
The world is a dark place! It desperately needs the light and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord, help us by your grace to be faithful to your call to reach the world!
Pastor Guy Weatherly, one of our 12 ministry board members, has remarked on numerous occasions that “It is amazing how much we get done with so little.” One reason we can do much with little is that we do almost everything “in house.” Our office staff is my son, JJ, and
me. Together, we maintain the websites, write the newsletters and correspondence, develop mission videos and ministry materials, conduct mission trips, and much, much more. It’s an honor to serve the Lord in this way and to be your representatives to the mission fields. We love God, we love people, and we want to be a part of sending the gospel throughout the world.
In 2013, we’re placing a renewed emphasis on the “10/40 window,” and are reaching into new locations. Please pray for us as we move forward and for the missionaries we work with including Marco Aroni in Peru, the Kaushals in India, and Jim Randall in Asia.
In His service,
Brian Weller