As I sit at my desk looking back on our time in Cambodia, I am overwhelmed at our great God who sent us as messengers to many unreached Cambodians. Now I miss our daily trips to those countryside villages! We felt thrilled each day as groups of unreached villagers greeted us, already waiting to receive free eyeglasses. Over 1,000 villagers received free glasses to help their physical sight, and hundreds of these also received spiritual sight through Jesus Christ!
Sometimes we’ve returned from missions disappointed that people did not respond as we expected. However, this time we left praising God for doing more than we envisioned! Over a two week period we drove dirt roads to many villages — most consisting of about 100-200 Buddhist farmers. We experienced the thrill of a lifetime as we watched God turn their darkness into light through the gospel! As we ministered, I often thought to myself, “this is a dream come true.” I know our Heavenly Father dreamed this trip and called us to go. Jesus died and rose again for these people and they needed to hear the truth of His plan of redemption.
In Cambodia, along with Jim Randall, we were honored and thrilled to work with some of the most dedicated Christians on the planet. God knit our hearts together as we daily shared the Good News together in village after village. What amazing servants! The second week, a Chapel mission team from the Kadena Air Force base in Japan joined right in the work. God used them to spread the gospel through drama, music, testimony and the Word. They showed great work ethic and love for the Cambodian people.
Cambodia is the Southeast Asian country we will focus on the most in this season. God has opened incredible doors for us there. We will partner with a strong Cambodian ministry that has effective and humble leaders who we know and trust. These leaders have a great passion for the Lord and have opened their doors to us. We have committed to fully support five of their indigenous missionaries/pastors who will plant churches in the villages we visited. You can support one of these indigenous pastors for only $150 a month. 100% will go directly to the missionary. We welcome your support! We will share more ways you can help us to help them as we go forward.
Thank you for helping us reach the unreached,
Brian Weller
Multitudes of Cambodians plunge into eternity every year without ever hearing of Jesus Christ. Cambodia’s lost souls need Jesus more than ever! Will you join our rescue mission?
Message Ministries is partnering with Cambodia’s Christian leaders to reach its unreached millions. Through effective evangelism, long-term discipleship, church planting initiatives and Christian leadership training, we are reaching the unreached and training new disciples to do the same.
You can help us cover Cambodia with God’s great news! You can fully support a Cambodian church planter for only $150 a month? Or, if you would like to support one partially you can make a donation of $30 or more. We have sponsors for the five we committed to and have sent off their first months support. With your help we can add another 2 or 3 church planters/indigenous missionaries.
In the coming months we will share about the church planters we are supporting so you can pray for them and their ministries.
Join the mission!
Click the button below to adopt an indigenous church planter for only $150 a month or to be a partial supporter with a gift of $30 or more.