Join Arms With Us!
Message Ministries and Missions is reaching souls around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ! Would you join arms with us in the Great Commission? Here are four ways you can share God’s hope through Message Ministries & Missions:
Do you, your family or your church want to make a radical impact on world missions? Adopt a ministry! You could adopt:
- A native missionary to unreached Thailand, Laos, or Myanmar for only $100 a month!
- A native missionary to unreached Cambodia for only $150 a month!
- An evangelistic feeding center in Peru for only $60-$90 a month!
By adopting a ministry, you and/or your community join the Message Ministries family and play a regular and significant role in world evangelization. Check out our ministry adoption directory to choose a ministry today!
Looking to change the world once a month on a budget? Become an MM Sender for $30 a month!
Every month, your recurring donation will help to fund a newly featured need! Senders has helped to provide motorcycles for missionaries, relief for catastrophe victims, gospel outreaches for unreached villages and more. Join in on the excitement of the Message Ministries family — become a Sender!
Touched by one of the ministries we support? Want to make a holiday or year-end contribution to the Great Commission? Make a one-time donation!
Message Ministries supports missions labors all throughout the 10/40 Window and Peru from a small pool of donors. For this reason, we see every one-time donation as a radical blessing from God’s hands! To make a one-time donation, browse Where We Work or Donate Page.
Love Message Ministries? Want to help us expand our influence to reach more with the gospel? Spread the word! You can do this in a few ways:
1. Follow and share us on social media. Our social media accounts are featured here:
2. Request a free Ambassador’s Packet. Upon your request, we will send a packet with a Share God’s Hope wristband, a Message Ministries poster, gift stickers, brochures, and other MM informational materials. Enjoy these materials for yourself and share them with family, friends, or church foyer (if you’re a pastor)!
3. Tell your pastor/youth pastor about us. Point them to our website and ask if your church or youth group might consider adopting a missionary or ministry.