How it Works
1. Our Peruvian partners choose a family living in extremely poor dwellings to receive a home.
These families usually live in a makeshift home with dirt floors, no windows and oftentimes no doors.

2. We accompany the local pastor to notify the family that they have been chosen to receive a new home through the Give-A-Home Project.

Many of these parents have done all they can to survive in third-world conditions with little success. What a joyful moment when they learn that they will receive a new home!
3. We send a mission team from the USA or Peru to construct the home.

The team constructs a small home of about 5 x 6 meters with four separate rooms. The design includes space for a bathroom, though most don’t have running water. They set a cement floor and deck the house with glass windows, a secure door and indoor electricity. Any extra funds not used on construction go towards beds and other necessary furniture.

You can make a donation for all or part of a prefab home by using the donation link below.

The total cost of a pre-fabricated home is $1,950.