I am back in the USA and trying to process all God allowed Ron Bouvier and I to see. We met some amazing people on our mission to Southeast Asia with Jim Randall. We visited Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. Instead of writing a report of the trip, I decided to post something that I wrote on the trip, which best expresses what is on my heart right now.
Day #7 – Thailand Would you please pray for wisdom and provision? I have been praying and seeking the Lord for His direction in regards to what our response should be to the needs (spiritual and material) that we have seen in Southeast Asia. The smiles of the children at the children’s homes we’ve visited flash through my mind, bringing both smiles and tears. The lost and hopeless look on the faces of people on the streets are continually streaming through my mind. I feel an urging to tell them about Jesus.
We can’t just walk away and do nothing! We can’t leave here without doing all that we can to bring the light of the gospel to these darkened nations. They have so little of the light of the gospel of Jesus. To walk away and do nothing would be spiritual treason toward our Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and His’ Great Commission to reach the world that Jesus loves, and gave His life for.
Honestly, my brothers and sisters, my heart aches over all that I’m seeing, and a lot of what needs to be done seems impossible. Yet, I know that all things are possible to him who believes. Will you pray and believe with me? We aren’t just here to see! We know that with the seeing comes a divine edict to do something. By faith we can and will do it!
We all must go beyond just believing God to meet our own needs, and believing God to bring more comfort to our already comfortable “world”. We must stop spending so much time asking God for more blessings just for ourselves. We must open our eyes, look on the unharvested fields of the world, and see how bright white and ready they are for harvesting.
Let’s flee from the desire to build our own personal kingdoms, and let’s work with all our might for the Kingdom that will never end. God is counting on each and every one of us to do our part! If we will seek first the Kingdom of God, we will be seeking Gods will, and not only will we be able to accept the dismantling of our own personal Kingdoms, but we will embrace it for the sake of a Kingdom that is eternal. Then our focus will be to know God and to make Him known! The two are inseparable. Can I truly know God intimately, yet refuse to help proclaim His name boldly, especially to those who have never heard it? We do this by either going, sending others in our place or both.
Only 1% percent of the people here know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Approximately 85% have never heard the gospel. The indigenous leaders we have met here and in India are ready to go! Let’s help them! Let’s be their senders! Let’s all do something! To not do something is selfish and self centered. Isn’t it? I may be offending some by now, but I do it in the hope that others will be motivated and perhaps convicted by the Holy Spirit of God. He is the one who leads the army of God, as we reach into these bastions of darkness, where the devil has held the lost in chains for centuries, while we sit “In a land flooded with light”, as Falconer said.Are you a pastor or leader? Are you holding back the people you lead from fulfilling God’s great commission to reach the whole world? If so, it is time to repent. It’s not too late! God’s army is going forth! You can be used to lead God’s people out of spiritual slumber and into the great call to worldwide evangelism. Let go of the vision that sees no further than your own family, church family, country, continent or hemisphere.Some of you have read this far and I thank you for hearing what is on my heart. My goal is not to bring us into guilt and condemnation, but to help us to find freedom from the prisons we have built for ourselves. There is so much more that God wants to do in us and through us. My prayer is that we will all cry out to God with the words of Isaiah 6 “Here I am Lord, Send me”.
Let’s work together to fulfill the Great Commission of God, who loves the whole world, and wants them to know the truth that is only found in Jesus.
Your brother in the Family of God,
Brian Weller
With Jim Randall and Ron Bouvier, riding in a Tuk Tuk in Thailand
This children’s home and orphanage is in Myanmar. Some of the children are orphans, some are not wanted by their families, and others have been rescued from human trafficking.
Here we are with David S. at one of their ministries children’s homes. This one is in Myanmar. They have seven homes in all. We visited four!
Ron, Jim and I with James S., an indigenous Cambodian missionary to the people of the slums of Pnomh Penh and to the villages beyond.
This is one of the neighborhoods we visited in the slums of Pnomh Penh. In rainy season the water will flow beneath all of these homes. It is very unhealthy here!
These children followed us through the slums and smiled the whole time. James ministers to these kids on a regular basis. Please pray for them!
We ministered in this village and shared the Good News of Jesus. Some gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus. James S. will be returning to minister to them!
Jim Randall and a leader of the village we visited in Cambodia.
A family lives on this fishing boat on the Mekong River in Cambodia.
Ways you can help with the
ongoing ministry in Southeast Asia:
First and foremost, pray, pray, and pray! That is always first and foremost and God always makes a way, when His people humbly and confidently pray for His help! Then be faithful to respond as God leads. He may just lead you to pray, or He may ask you to do something tangible as well.If you would like to help you can give towards one of the following needs:
#1 – We are arranging for the writing of gospel tracts by indigenous pastors and missionaries of countries we have visited. You can financially support the printing of these materials. They will be distributed to those that can read in these countries. Those who can read can tell others! These materials will be provided to indigenous ministries for free to give out in their countries. We are starting with Cambodia and Thailand.
#2 – You can support an indigenous pastor or missionary to Myanmar or Laos through the ministry led by David S. and FTS for $80 a month. They are going into unreached villages to reach and teach the people about Jesus Christ. They are planting churches in many villages.
#3 – You can help Jim Randall to pay for indigenous leaders to come to the Bible Training schools that he will be teaching with his missionary friend Scott. They do these throughout the year for a week at a time. It only costs $10 for an indigenous pastor/missionary to attend. Jim is preparing to do two in Vietnam in March. They need a total of $1,500 to cover the cost of 50 in Hanoi and 100 in Saigon. Message Ministries has already committed to help, but your designated gift would help greatly.
#4 – You can send support to the orphanage/children’s home in Laos that we are going to help. Running the orphanage costs $600 a month.
#5 – Help Cambodian James S. with transportation to the villages outside of Pnomh Penh, Cambodia, including the one we visited on our trip. Your financial support will also help him to get to the people in the slums around the garbage dumps of Pnomh Penh. He could get a lot more done with a motorcycle. Right now, he either travels on a bicycle or pays for public transportation. The cost for a motorcycle is $2,500.
To help with these needs, please visit the donate link on the right side of this page. Thank you!