Our SE Asia Mission is only six weeks away, and we are doing what we can to prepare in every way. We’ll be there for almost a month, and we want to make the most of the opportunities our God has set before us.
The first part of the mission we’ll be in CAMBODIA reaching unreached villages with the Gospel. The first week, Anne, JJ, Jim Randall, and I will begin the outreaches, and the second week, we’ll be joined by a small youth mission team from Japan. Together, we’ll evangelize through eyeglass clinics, youth and children’s ministry, and evangelistic services. We’ll use music, drama, testimonies, and the teaching of God’s word to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We’ll go to these villages with the indigenous missionaries and pastors that Jim and Scott have been training for the last couple of years. The missionaries are being sent out by their home churches to plant new churches in each of these unreached villages. We are thrilled to be a part of it! Gloria a Dios!
The last part of the trip, we’ll be in VIET___, hosting a camp for one hundred youth and leaders – and doing other ministry as well. The youth will be coming from different parts of the country and join together for worship, Bible teaching, and fellowship. This year’s camp will be twice the size of last year’s camp, and we are genuinely excited about this opportunity!
Please pray with us as we trust the Lord for the finances we need for this SE Asia Mission. We estimate the expenses will total about $14,000, including the cost of outreaches in Cambodia, the youth camp in Vietnam, and the travel expenses for Anne, JJ, and I to be on the field with Jim Randall for almost a month. This amount also includes the flights in SE Asia for the four of us.
Our SE Asia Mission is only six weeks away, and we are doing what we can to prepare in every way. We’ll be there for almost a month, and we want to make the most of the opportunities our God has set before us.
The first part of the mission we’ll be in CAMBODIA reaching unreached villages with the Gospel. The first week, Anne, JJ, Jim Randall, and I will begin the outreaches, and the second week, we’ll be joined by a small youth mission team from Japan. Together, we’ll evangelize through eyeglass clinics, youth and children’s ministry, and evangelistic services. We’ll use music, drama, testimonies, and the teaching of God’s word to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We’ll go to these villages with the indigenous missionaries and pastors that Jim and Scott have been training for the last couple of years. The missionaries are being sent out by their home churches to plant new churches in each of these unreached villages. We are thrilled to be a part of it! Gloria a Dios!
The last part of the trip, we’ll be in VIET___, hosting a camp for one hundred youth and leaders – and doing other ministry as well. The youth will be coming from different parts of the country and join together for worship, Bible teaching, and fellowship. This year’s camp will be twice the size of last year’s camp, and we are genuinely excited about this opportunity!
Please pray with us as we trust the Lord for the finances we need for this SE Asia Mission. We estimate the expenses will total about $14,000, including the cost of outreaches in Cambodia, the youth camp in Vietnam, and the travel expenses for Anne, JJ, and I to be on the field with Jim Randall for almost a month. This amount also includes the flights in SE Asia for the four of us.
We will be doing Eyeglass Clinic Outreaches in as many as 10 villages. These clinics will draw people to where we are and:
We can purchase eyeglasses for .60 Cents each.
$60 provides 100 pair of glasses.
This youth camp will be in Viet___ and will be a great opportunity to minister to both youth and leaders. At the camp we will:
Last year’s camp was extremely fruitful and left a big impact on all those who attended.
The cost of the camp will be $4,000
$40 will send a youth to camp.
The other expenses associated with this mission:
Total Needed $9,000.
We welcome your partnership in this mission!