In October, Jim ministered in five different countries including Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Jim is now in Mandalay, Myanmar at a pastors’ and leaders’ conference, teaching on leadership and how to start small businesses to support ministries.
Jim is always on the move in that part of the world, training Christian leaders for ministry and helping them set up businesses to support themselves in ministry. Please pray for Jim as he goes forth in this very difficult area of the world known as “the 10/40 window.” Jim never asks for anything; he lives a life of faith. We are committed to be Jim’s support ministry. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to trust the Lord to meet all the needs associated with Jim’s work in Asia.
“The picture at left is a “convenience store” started by a woman who operates an orphanage with 24 children in Yangon, Myanmar. She took BAM (Business as Missions) classes to learn how to start and operate the business; it supports her ministry with the children. She is in the center of the picture between Ryan and Mary, missionaries whom I work with in Yangon.”