Message Ministries India 

Over 1 Billion people (95.3%) with minimal exposure to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only 2.1% profess Jesus Christ in any way. Yet God is reaping a ripe harvest. Message Ministries partners with Living Hope Ministries in India. Read below to discover more. 



Mercy Children’s Home fights the force of fatherlessness with the love of Jesus Christ.
Many Indian parents abandon their young children to the streets. Other parents suffer as martyrs, leaving their children to fight for themselves.  Through Mercy Children’s Home, the Kaushal family provides family, shelter, food, education and the gospel of Jesus Christ for ____ such orphans in Northeast India. The orphans grow to become efficient adults and mature disciples of Jesus Christ. 

You can sponsor a child for only $35 a month!





Brian Weller, President of Message Ministries, and Chuck Moore, one of our board members, traveled to India to minister there. While in India, Brian and Chuck ministered with D.C. and Sona Kaushal of Living Hope Ministries and they also spent time with Subodh, D.C.’s and Sona’s son, who is now taking more responsibility in the ministry.


Our visit was an amazing experience and an awesome memory, It opened our eyes to a ministry in the heart of the 10/40 that we are anxious to work with and sponsor. We have supported Living Hope for several years, but seeing their work firsthand gave us a passionate desire to help them as they reach out, not only to those in need, but also to those who have never heard The Gospel. About 350 million in India live in regions where they have never heard about Jesus Christ.

Please take a minute to read about these opportunities to help those in India who need a touch from God. One hundred percent of any donation that you give through Message Ministries will go directly to Living Hope Ministries of North India. Thank you and God bless you.


D.C. and his wife, Sona, lead Living Hope Ministries of India. They train indigenous pastors and missionaries to go into the unreached areas of North India. They also operate a school in the slums of Delhi for one hundred-fifty desperately poor children. Besides giving them an education, they also provide two meals a day.

The Cost to Sponsor a Child is $20 a month


Living Hope Ministries have built an orphanage they call the Mercy Children’s Home.  It is in Amritsar in the Northeast part of India.  This home will one day be able to be house two hundred children.

In the picture, are five children who now call Mercy Children’s Home their home.  We send 100% of your donation to Living Home Ministries of India to help this children with the necessities of life.

The Cost to Sponsor a Child is $35 a month


We seek partners who will give at least $35 a month to help support a national pastor/missionary in Amritsar, India with Living Hope Ministries of North India.   These missionaries and pastors minister in anywhere from 8 to 15 villages each.

Help Sponsor an Indigenous missionary or pastor for $35 a month.

Total Sponsorship for an Indigenous missionary family is $200 a month.